Lion's Gate Portal
Supercharged light codes flood our planet
through this vortex of "two Suns".
Every year, from the end of July to mid-August, Sirius moves away from the Sun coming into view, becoming the brightest star in the night sky and creating the appearance of two suns.
Sirius is considered our Spiritual Sun, so the rising and return of Sirius were seen by ancient astrologers and in many cultures, as the rebirth of our spirit energy and the energy of the planet.
It is also during this time, that the three bright stars creating the belt of the constellation, Orion, line up perfectly with the three Pyramids of Giza. This alignment reaches it's peak on August 8th (8/8) when Sirius joins to align with the Great Pyramid!
The number eight (8) on its own symbolizes infinity, balance, and mastery, and is known as the number of good luck and fortune, discovery, hope, and opportunity.
The number eighty-eight (88) signifies inspiration, integrity, knowledge, introspection, and intuition, and represents infinite activation. Opening ourselves to this energy allows it to be infused into the very core of our being, upgrading our cell memory, and bringing healing, peace, and love.
All of this occurs as the sun enters its home in Leo, the sign of courage, passion, leadership, and heart-led ambition.
The combination of these occurrences make this year's Lion's Gate Portal the perfect opportunity for deep connection and alignment, acceleration of the soul's journey, and extremely potent manifestation work in heart-centered union with the highest self.
You may suddenly see lessons, challenges, and solutions clearly. You may find that deep and ancient wisdom is consistently being offered to you. You may experience prophetic dreams, sharp intuition, and a vivid knowing of what must be shed to reveal the ideal path ahead.