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Sacred Name Activation & Sigil Channeling


​​In this sacred session, I will channel a name from the Divine, bestowing upon you a new energetic blueprint designed to elevate your soul's journey and evolution. Changing your name is a profound act of transformation, calling forth a release of past pain, limiting beliefs, and unresolved energies tied to your birth name. This shift clears the path for a new energetic signature, one that aligns you with the higher frequencies of the new paradigm, harmonizing your being with the Divine's vision for your soul’s purpose.

In addition to the name activation, I will channel a personalized healing sigil tailored specifically to your energy body. This sigil will offer a unique healing transmission, harmonizing and balancing your energy to support your spiritual growth and alignment. Sigils are sacred symbols imbued with powerful intention, originating from the Divine and used throughout history for manifestation, protection, and transformation. From ancient civilizations to modern mysticism, sigils have been utilized to encode intentions and direct energy to specific purposes. You will receive clear instructions on how to activate and use your sigil, allowing it to serve as a tool for continued healing and alignment in your journey.

This powerful opportunity not only offers you the chance to evolve and step into a new energetic signature but also provides you with a personalized tool to support your ongoing growth and healing. Fully aligned with your highest potential, you will walk forward into a new chapter of your soul’s journey, empowered and renewed.

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