The 42 Chakra Point Healing Modality offers a transformative approach by integrating six unique energy points within each chakra for deep and holistic healing.
In the heart of the One lies the truth of consciousness. Your awareness shapes every pattern and thought in your daily life. This healing modality focuses on two core components that guide your deepest healing.
Your energy vibrates, and your heart vibrates.
You are a living being experiencing a vibratory existence. This means everything you touch, taste, feel, hear, see, and do in every given moment is energy in motion.
From the moment of your birth until your last breath,
this vibratory reality shapes your life on Earth.
Understanding the span of your life from birth to this very moment is about acknowledging every decision, meeting, and experience that has shaped who you are.
The 42 Chakra Point Healing Modality was given to humanity to create transformation, to the chakra system, and particularly in the heart chakra, offering healing for anyone ready to receive it.
This modality is interwoven with higher octave divine beings who channel their frequencies through Morayana, releasing them into the earthly realm.
Earth is in a time of transformation, requiring these galactic frequencies to support ancestral healing and collective evolution.
Although this system is based on the traditional 7 chakras, through Morayana's dedicated intuitive practice and divine connection, she was shown that healing actually occurs from 6 distinct points within each chakra.
Each point reflects different energies in the body:
The left side represents the intuitive, higher intelligence of your mind.
The right side channels your soul.
The middle balances the masculine and feminine polarities through your heart.
The front chakras represent energy blocks from this lifetime, while the back chakras reveal energy blocks from past lives, providing insights into your energetic history and soul’s evolution.​
The Heart Chakra is the most valuable and powerful chakra. It sustains your life, pumping blood with electrical force through your body at every moment. Beyond its physical function, the heart is where consciousness expands beyond time and space, especially in these transformative times.
Your heart chakra is essential to human life on this planet. It constantly offers grace, light and life. Without the heart, the body cannot survive, and this powerful organ defines the quality of your life. The 42 Chakra Point Healing Modality unites your heart and organs as one consciousness, flooding your organs and heart with divine light. This cleansing of blood vessels happens in a way that transcends earthly logic but has a profound impact on your physical health, energy, and body at a molecular level.
This divine healing, from beyond time and space, is given to humanity to clear old density, open your heart, and allow the miracle of the divine that is you to shine through your sacred earthly body. This time is one of transformation and planetary alignment, with a focus on the Earth grid and solar structure, affecting the mind, body, and soul.​
Use this healing to awaken your innate structure and consciousness, bringing divine light into your heart. Ignite the flame within you, for you are a flame of love, here to shine ever so bright.
This alignment will guide you toward your divine path, as your being is light, and that light is ready to fully awaken. As you transform, so will the world around you, for transformation within radiates outwards.
Book your scan here to begin your journey toward enlightenment with a single step into the light of the One, Holy, and True.
This healing is designed to support the heart and organs that form the structure of the human vessel on Earth.
Ra and the 7 Sisters of the Divine Realm of the One, Holy, and True.